「A Town Called Malice」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

A Town Called Malice」(2008/03/23 (日) 14:13:13) の最新版変更点



<p><strong>{Tom}<br /> You better stop dreaming of the quiet life<br /> Coz its the one we'll never know<br /> And quiet running for that runaway bus<br /><br /> Coz those rosey days are few<br /> And stop apologising for the things you've never done<br /> Coz time is short and life is cruel<br /><br /> Well its up to us to change<br /> This town called malice<br /> Ooooh yeeah<br /><br /> {Danny}<br /> Rows and rows of disused milk floats<br /> Stand dying in the dairy yard<br /> And hundred lonely housewives clutch empty milk<br /> bottles to their hearts<br /><br /> {Toqether}<br /> Hanging out their old love letters on the line to dry<br /> Its enough to make you stop believing<br /> when tears come fast and furious<br /> In a town called malice<br /> Ooooh yeeah<br /> Ba ba ba ba ba da ba<br /> Ba ba ba da ba ohh<br /> Ba ba ba ba ba da ba<br /> Ba ba ba da ba<br /><br /> Struggle after struggle year after year<br /> The atmospheres a fine blend of ice<br /> Im almost stone cold dead<br /> In a town called malice<br /> Ooooh yeeah<br /><br /> {Danny}<br /> A whole streets belief in sundays roast beef<br /> Gets dashed against the co-op<br /> To either cut down on beer or the kids new gear<br /> Its a big decision in a town called maliiice<br /> Oooh yeeah<br /><br /> {Tom}<br /> The ghost of a steam train<br /> echoes down my track<br /> Its at the moment bound for nowhere<br /> Just going round and round<br /> Playground kids and creaking swings<br /> Lost laughter in the breeze<br /><br /> I could go on for hours and<br /> I probably will<br /> But Id sooner put some joy back<br /> In this town called malice<br /><br /> yeeah<br /> Ooh yeeeah<br /> This town called malice<br /> yeeah<br /> Ohh yeeeah<br /> This town called malice<br /> yeeah</strong></p>

