Pay money To my Pain (詳細版)


通常版データ→ Pay money To my Pain

あ行  か行  さ行  た行  な行  は行  ま行  や行  ら行  わ行


タイトル 声の種別 音高 対応する歌詞
Another day comes 地高 m2G/hiA It wakes me up so slow(1番Aメロ)
Ah-ah-ah As long as you are here(1・2番サビ)
Save me you say Kill me I say Raze me(2番Aメロ)
Ah--ah--ah-ah--ah As long as you stand next to me(Cメロ後サビ)
地低 mid1E when I could take time to feel my mind?(2番Bメロ)


タイトル 声の種別 音高 対応する歌詞
Pictures 地高 m2G/hiA I feel my heart is getting lost being my-yeself is painful(Aメロ)
Will you stay with me-eeh-eeh(Cメロ)
just wanna run but you don't have the strength(Cメロ後サビ)
just like how we were before ah-ah-ah(ラスサビ後フェイク)
地低 mid1G one more time(最後)


タイトル 声の種別 音高 対応する歌詞
Last wine 地高 m2G♯/hiA♯ I've been here before(Aメロ)
Talk to me no-ow I will show up for you(Aメロ)
To be on top(2番Aメロ)
Don't break my heart(サビ)
Don't cover your eyes(Cメロ)
The gate is open(Cメロ)
地低 mid1C♯ 'was gonna kill myself Then you brought me my last wine(Dメロ)
Rain 地高 hiA/hiB I feel you close to me(サビ)
Before it's too late, too late(2番サビ)
I feel you close to me-eeh (ラスサビ)
If I could rewrite everything(ラスサビ)
too la-a---a-a-a-a--a--a--ate(ラストのフェイク)
地低 mid2A I think of you(Aメロ)
Would it still end?(サビ)




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最終更新:2014年01月12日 16:49